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GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan of Iran became unbeaten champion in the 8th roundgames of the 8th United Insurance and United Leasing Grandmasters ChessTournament-2007, sponsored by United Insurance Company Limited and UnitedLeasing Companying Limited organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation washeld at the Conference-room of the N.S.C. Ghaem earned 8 points to clinchthe title. GM Reefat Bin Sattar of Biman and are GM Nguyen Anh Dung ofVitenam earned 7½ points each. Reefat Bin Sattar became runner-up in thetie-breaking system and Nguyen became 3rd. IM Abdullah Al Rakib of Bimanbecame 4th position. Three players earned 6 points each. their positionwith are 5th- FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny, 6th- IM Enamul Hossain Razibof Chittagong Mohammedan and 7th-IM Mahmood Lodhi of Pakistan. 3 playersearned 5½ points each. Their positions are: 8th-IM P.D.S. Girinath ofIndia, 9th-FM Abu Sufian Shakil of Destiny and 10th-Lalith Babu of India.FM Nasir achieved 10 games International Master Norm from this event. It ishis first International Master norm. He won against GM Zia and GM Niaz fromthis event. 10th or last round games were held yesterday (Monday). In the10th round games: Ghaem beat Girinath, Reefat beat G.N. Gopal, Nguyen drewwith Nasir, Rakib drew with Lodhi, Razib beat FM Mehdi Hasan Parag, Shakilbeat GM Ziaur Rahman and Lalith beat FM Kh. Aminul Islam. The PrizeDistribution ceremony of the event was held yesterday afternoon at the samevenue. Honorable Secretary of the Ministry of the Commerce of theGovernment of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh was distributed prizesamong the winners to present as chief guest. Mr. M. Moyeedul Islam,
guest. Mr. Rafiqul Islam, President of Bangladesh Chess Federation presidedthe ceremony, Mr. Jamilur Rahman, General Secretary of Bangladesh ChessFederation gave address. Mr. Syed Aziz Ahmad, Vice-President of BangladeshChess Federation and former president of Chess Federation Syed ShujauddinAhmed were present in the ceremony. Total 26 players including 5 GMs, IMs, 7 FMs from 5 countries participated in the event and the event was held in 10 round Swiss-League system. Champion Ghaem got 1600 Us dollars,Reefat and Nguyen got 900 Us dollars each, Rakib got 300 Us dollars, Nasir,Razib and Lodhi got 233 Us dollars each, Girinath, Shakil and Lalith got200 Us dollars each as prizes money.
GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan of Iran became unbeaten champion in the 8th roundgames of the 8th United Insurance and United Leasing Grandmasters ChessTournament-2007, sponsored by United Insurance Company Limited and UnitedLeasing Companying Limited organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation washeld at the Conference-room of the N.S.C. Ghaem earned 8 points to clinchthe title. GM Reefat Bin Sattar of Biman and are GM Nguyen Anh Dung ofVitenam earned 7½ points each. Reefat Bin Sattar became runner-up in thetie-breaking system and Nguyen became 3rd. IM Abdullah Al Rakib of Bimanbecame 4th position. Three players earned 6 points each. their positionwith are 5th- FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny, 6th- IM Enamul Hossain Razibof Chittagong Mohammedan and 7th-IM Mahmood Lodhi of Pakistan. 3 playersearned 5½ points each. Their positions are: 8th-IM P.D.S. Girinath ofIndia, 9th-FM Abu Sufian Shakil of Destiny and 10th-Lalith Babu of India.FM Nasir achieved 10 games International Master Norm from this event. It ishis first International Master norm. He won against GM Zia and GM Niaz fromthis event. 10th or last round games were held yesterday (Monday). In the10th round games: Ghaem beat Girinath, Reefat beat G.N. Gopal, Nguyen drewwith Nasir, Rakib drew with Lodhi, Razib beat FM Mehdi Hasan Parag, Shakilbeat GM Ziaur Rahman and Lalith beat FM Kh. Aminul Islam. The PrizeDistribution ceremony of the event was held yesterday afternoon at the samevenue. Honorable Secretary of the Ministry of the Commerce of theGovernment of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh was distributed prizesamong the winners to present as chief guest. Mr. M. Moyeedul Islam,
guest. Mr. Rafiqul Islam, President of Bangladesh Chess Federation presidedthe ceremony, Mr. Jamilur Rahman, General Secretary of Bangladesh ChessFederation gave address. Mr. Syed Aziz Ahmad, Vice-President of BangladeshChess Federation and former president of Chess Federation Syed ShujauddinAhmed were present in the ceremony. Total 26 players including 5 GMs, IMs, 7 FMs from 5 countries participated in the event and the event was held in 10 round Swiss-League system. Champion Ghaem got 1600 Us dollars,Reefat and Nguyen got 900 Us dollars each, Rakib got 300 Us dollars, Nasir,Razib and Lodhi got 233 Us dollars each, Girinath, Shakil and Lalith got200 Us dollars each as prizes money.
Chairman of the United Insurance Company Limited was present as a specialguest. Mr. Rafiqul Islam, President of Bangladesh Chess Federation presidedthe ceremony, Mr. Jamilur Rahman, General Secretary of Bangladesh ChessFederation gave address. Mr. Syed Aziz Ahmad, Vice-President of BangladeshChess Federation and former president of Chess Federation Syed ShujauddinAhmed were present in the ceremony. Total 26 players including 5 GMs, 4IMs, 7 FMs from 5 countries participated in the event and the event washeld in 10 round Swiss-League system. Champion Ghaem got 1600 Us dollars,Reefat and Nguyen got 900 Us dollars each, Rakib got 300 Us dollars, Nasir,Razib and Lodhi got 233 Us dollars each, Girinath, Shakil and Lalith got200 Us dollars each as prizes money.
GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan of Iran are GM Nguyen Anh Dung of Vitenam aresharing lead in the points table with 7 points each after end of the 8thround games of the 8th United Insurance and United Leasing GrandmastersChess Tournament-2007, sponsored by United Insurance Company Limited andUnited Leasing Companying Limited organised by Bangladesh Chess Federationis now being held at the Conference-room of the N.S.C. GM Reefat Bin Sattarof Biman is in 6½ points, IM Abdullah Al Rakib of Biman is in 3rd positionwith 6 points, FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny, IM Mahmood Lodhi of Pakistanand P.D.S. Girinath of India are in 2nd position with 5½ points each. They9th round games were held yesterday (Sunday). In the 9th round games: Ghaembeat IM Enamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammedan with black in 32ndmoves, Nguyen beat FM Abu Sufian Shakil of Destiny with white in 80 moves,Reefat drew with Girinath with black in 48 moves. Rakib beat FM Kh. AminulIslam, Nasir beat Lalith Babu of India, Lodhi beat Minhazuddin Ahmed ofDestiny, FM Mehdi Hasan Parag beat Md. Ali of Leonine, GM Ziaur Rahman ofBiman beat FM Syed Mahfuzur Rahman Emon, G.N. Gopal of India beat AbdulMaleq of India, FM Rezaul Haque of Biman drew with FM Taibur Rahman ofDestiny, Debaraj Chatterjee of Destiny drew with Monir Hossain of N.Gonjand Md. Javed beat Sohel Chowdhury of N.Gonj. 10th or last round gameswill start today (Monday) from 11:00 AM at the same venue. The Prize givingceremony will be held at 5:30 PM.
8th United Insurance & United Leasing Grandamsters Chess Tournament-2007GM Reefat Bin Sattar of Biman, GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan of Iran are GM NguyenAnh Dung of Vitenam are sharing lead in the points table with 6 points eachafter end of the 8th round games of the 8th United Insurance and UnitedLeasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by United InsuranceCompany Limited and United Leasing Companying Limited organised byBangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at the Conference-room of theN.S.C. IM Abdullah Al Rakib of Biman, IM Enamul Hossain Razib of ChittagongMohammadan and P.D.S. Girinath of India are in 2nd position with 5 pointseach. They are: FM Abu Sufian Shakil and FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny, FMAminul Islam, IM Mahmood Lodhi of Pakistan and Lalith Babu of India are in3rd position with 4½ points each. 8th round games were held yesterday(Saturday). In the 8th round games: Reefat beat IM Lodhi with white in 46moves, Ghaem beat Nasir with white 40 moves, Nguyen beat Girinath withblack in 43 moves, Rakib beat Shakil with black in 44 moves, Razib beatG.N. Gopal of India with black in 70 moves. FM Kh. Aminul Islam drew withFM Mehdi Hasan Parag of Biman, M.R. Lalith Babu fo India beat Monir Hossainof N.Gonj, GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman drew with Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar ofDestiny, Md. Ali of Leonine beat Md. Javed of Destiny, FM Syed MahfuzurRahman Emon of B.A.D.C. drew with Abdul Maleq of Chittagong, FM RezaulHaque of Biman beat Debaraj Chatterjee of Destiny and FM Taibur Rahman beatSohel Chowdhury of N.Gonj.
GM Reefat Bin Sattar of Biman, GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan, GM Nguyen Anh Dungof Vitenam and IM P.D.S. Girinath of India are sharing lead in the pointstable with 5 points each after end of the 7th round games of the 8th UnitedInsurance and United Leasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2007, sponsoredby United Insurance Company Limited and United Leasing Companying Limitedorganised by Bangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at theConference-room of the N.S.C. 3 players are in 2nd position with 4½ pointseach. They are: FM Abu Sufian Shakil and FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny andIM Mahmood Lodhi of Pakistan. 7th round games were held yesterday (Friday).In the 7th round Ghaem drew with Nguyen, Reefat beat his teammate IMAbdullah Al Raikb, Girinath beat IM Enamul Hossain Razib of ChittagongMohammedan,, Nasir drew with G.N. Gopal of India, Lodhi beat Lalith Babu ofIndia, Shakil beat Monir Hossain of N.Gonj, FM Kh. Aminul Islam beat FMSyed Mahfuzur Rahman of B.A.D.C., Abdul Maleq of Chittagong drew with GMZiaur Rahman of Biman, Minhazuddin ahmed Sagar of Destiny beat FM RezaulHaque of Biman, FM Mehdi Hasan Parag beat FM Taibur Rahman of Destiny, Md.Javed of Destiny beat his teammate Debaraj Chatterjee and Md. Ali ofLeonine beat Sohel Chowdhury of N.Gonj. GM Niaz Murshed of Leonine withdrawhis name after 6th round
GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan and GM Nguyen Anh Dung of Vitenam are now jointlylead in the points table with 4½ points after end of the 6th round games ofthe 8th United Insurance and United Leasing Grandmasters ChessTournament-2007, sponsored by United Insurance Company Limited and UnitedLeasing Companying Limited organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation is nowbeing held at the Conference-room of the N.S.C. 5 players are in 2ndposition with 4 points each. They are: GM Reefat Bin Sattar and IM AbdullahAl Rakib of Biman IM Enamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadan, FMNasir Ahmed of Destiny and IM P.D.S. Girinath. 6th round games were heldyesterday (Thursday). In the 6th round Ghaem beat IM Lodhi of Pakistan withwhite in only 19 moves, Nguyen beat Rakib with white in 32nd moves, Reefatdrew with Razib, Nasir beat GM Niaz Murshed of Leonine with white in 56moves, Girinath beat GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman with white in 40 moves, FMAbu Sufian Shakil beat FM Kh., Aminul Islam, G.N. Gopal of India beat FMMehdi Hasan Parag of Biman, Lalith Babu of India beat Minhazuddin AhmedSagar of Destiny, FM Syed Mahfuzur Rahman Emon of B.A.D.C beat FM TaiburRahman of Destiny, Monir Hossain of N.Gonj beat Md. Javed of Destiny, FMRezaul Haque of Biman drew with Mohammad Ali of Leonine and Abdul Maleq ofChittagong beat Sohel Chowdhury of N.Gonj.
6 players are now sharing lead in the points table with maximum 3 pointsafter end of the 4th round games of the 8th United Insurance and UnitedLeasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by United InsuranceCompany Limited and United Leasing Companying Limited organised byBangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at the Conference-room of theN.S.C. They are: IM Abdullah Al Rakib & GM Reefat Bin Sattar of Biman, IMEnamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadan, FM Nasir Ahmed, GM GhaemMaghami Ehsan and GM Nguyen Anh Dung of Vitenam. 4th and 5th round gameswere held yesterday (Wednesday). In the 4th round Reefat drew with Nguyen,Rakib drew with Razib, Nasir drew with Amin, Ghaem beat G.N. Gopal, GMZiaur Rahman drew with Lalith Babu of India, GM Niaz Murshed drew with FMTaibur Rahman of Destiny, IM P.D.S. Girinath of India beat FM Rezaul ofPakistan beat Mohammad Ali of Leonine, FM Mehdi Hasan Parag of Biman drewwith Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar of Destiny, FM Syed Mahfuzur Rahman EmonB.A.D.C. beat DEbaraj Chatterjee and Monir Hossain of N.Gonj beat histeammate Sohel Chowdhury. 5th round games were held yesterday evening. Inthe 5th round Reefat played against Ghaem, Razib played against Nguyen andRakib played against Nasir.
5 players are now sharing lead in the points table with maximum 2½ pointsafter end of the 3rd round games of the 8th United Insurance and UnitedLeasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by United InsuranceCompany Limited and United Leasing Companying Limited organised byBangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at the Conference-room of theN.S.C. They are: IM Abdullah Al Rakib & GM Reefat Bin Sattar of Biman, IMEnamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadan, FM Nasir Ahmed and GM NguyenAnh Dung of Vitenam. 3rd round games were held yesterday (Tuesday). In the3rd round Nasir beat GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman, Rakib drew with GM GhaemMaghami Ehsan of Iran, Razib beat IM Mahmood Lodhi of Pakistan, Reefat beatFM Abu Sufian Shakil of Destiny, Nguyen beat GM Niaz Murshed of Leonine.Ghaem, FM Kh. Aminul Islam and G.N. Gopal of India earned 2 points each after 3rd round. Amin drew with Gopal, FM Taibur Rahman of Destiny drewwith IM P.D.S. Girinath of India, Md. Javed of Destiny beat FM Mehdi HasanParag of Biman, Lalith Babu of India beat Chanchal Kumar Gosh, FM Rezaul Haque of Biman beat Sohel Chowdhury of N.gonj, Mohammad Ali of Leonine beat his teammate Abdul Maleq, Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar of Destiny drew with his teammate Debaraj Chatterjee and FM Syed Mahfuzur Rahman of B.A.D.C.beat Monir Hossain of N.Gonj.
GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan of Iran are GM Nguyen Anh Dung of Vitenam aresharing lead in the points table with 7 points each after end of the 8thround games of the 8th United Insurance and United Leasing GrandmastersChess Tournament-2007, sponsored by United Insurance Company Limited andUnited Leasing Companying Limited organised by Bangladesh Chess Federationis now being held at the Conference-room of the N.S.C. GM Reefat Bin Sattarof Biman is in 6½ points, IM Abdullah Al Rakib of Biman is in 3rd positionwith 6 points, FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny, IM Mahmood Lodhi of Pakistanand P.D.S. Girinath of India are in 2nd position with 5½ points each. They9th round games were held yesterday (Sunday). In the 9th round games: Ghaembeat IM Enamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammedan with black in 32ndmoves, Nguyen beat FM Abu Sufian Shakil of Destiny with white in 80 moves,Reefat drew with Girinath with black in 48 moves. Rakib beat FM Kh. AminulIslam, Nasir beat Lalith Babu of India, Lodhi beat Minhazuddin Ahmed ofDestiny, FM Mehdi Hasan Parag beat Md. Ali of Leonine, GM Ziaur Rahman ofBiman beat FM Syed Mahfuzur Rahman Emon, G.N. Gopal of India beat AbdulMaleq of India, FM Rezaul Haque of Biman drew with FM Taibur Rahman ofDestiny, Debaraj Chatterjee of Destiny drew with Monir Hossain of N.Gonjand Md. Javed beat Sohel Chowdhury of N.Gonj. 10th or last round gameswill start today (Monday) from 11:00 AM at the same venue. The Prize givingceremony will be held at 5:30 PM.
8th United Insurance & United Leasing Grandamsters Chess Tournament-2007GM Reefat Bin Sattar of Biman, GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan of Iran are GM NguyenAnh Dung of Vitenam are sharing lead in the points table with 6 points eachafter end of the 8th round games of the 8th United Insurance and UnitedLeasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by United InsuranceCompany Limited and United Leasing Companying Limited organised byBangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at the Conference-room of theN.S.C. IM Abdullah Al Rakib of Biman, IM Enamul Hossain Razib of ChittagongMohammadan and P.D.S. Girinath of India are in 2nd position with 5 pointseach. They are: FM Abu Sufian Shakil and FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny, FMAminul Islam, IM Mahmood Lodhi of Pakistan and Lalith Babu of India are in3rd position with 4½ points each. 8th round games were held yesterday(Saturday). In the 8th round games: Reefat beat IM Lodhi with white in 46moves, Ghaem beat Nasir with white 40 moves, Nguyen beat Girinath withblack in 43 moves, Rakib beat Shakil with black in 44 moves, Razib beatG.N. Gopal of India with black in 70 moves. FM Kh. Aminul Islam drew withFM Mehdi Hasan Parag of Biman, M.R. Lalith Babu fo India beat Monir Hossainof N.Gonj, GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman drew with Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar ofDestiny, Md. Ali of Leonine beat Md. Javed of Destiny, FM Syed MahfuzurRahman Emon of B.A.D.C. drew with Abdul Maleq of Chittagong, FM RezaulHaque of Biman beat Debaraj Chatterjee of Destiny and FM Taibur Rahman beatSohel Chowdhury of N.Gonj.
GM Reefat Bin Sattar of Biman, GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan, GM Nguyen Anh Dungof Vitenam and IM P.D.S. Girinath of India are sharing lead in the pointstable with 5 points each after end of the 7th round games of the 8th UnitedInsurance and United Leasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2007, sponsoredby United Insurance Company Limited and United Leasing Companying Limitedorganised by Bangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at theConference-room of the N.S.C. 3 players are in 2nd position with 4½ pointseach. They are: FM Abu Sufian Shakil and FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny andIM Mahmood Lodhi of Pakistan. 7th round games were held yesterday (Friday).In the 7th round Ghaem drew with Nguyen, Reefat beat his teammate IMAbdullah Al Raikb, Girinath beat IM Enamul Hossain Razib of ChittagongMohammedan,, Nasir drew with G.N. Gopal of India, Lodhi beat Lalith Babu ofIndia, Shakil beat Monir Hossain of N.Gonj, FM Kh. Aminul Islam beat FMSyed Mahfuzur Rahman of B.A.D.C., Abdul Maleq of Chittagong drew with GMZiaur Rahman of Biman, Minhazuddin ahmed Sagar of Destiny beat FM RezaulHaque of Biman, FM Mehdi Hasan Parag beat FM Taibur Rahman of Destiny, Md.Javed of Destiny beat his teammate Debaraj Chatterjee and Md. Ali ofLeonine beat Sohel Chowdhury of N.Gonj. GM Niaz Murshed of Leonine withdrawhis name after 6th round
GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan and GM Nguyen Anh Dung of Vitenam are now jointlylead in the points table with 4½ points after end of the 6th round games ofthe 8th United Insurance and United Leasing Grandmasters ChessTournament-2007, sponsored by United Insurance Company Limited and UnitedLeasing Companying Limited organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation is nowbeing held at the Conference-room of the N.S.C. 5 players are in 2ndposition with 4 points each. They are: GM Reefat Bin Sattar and IM AbdullahAl Rakib of Biman IM Enamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadan, FMNasir Ahmed of Destiny and IM P.D.S. Girinath. 6th round games were heldyesterday (Thursday). In the 6th round Ghaem beat IM Lodhi of Pakistan withwhite in only 19 moves, Nguyen beat Rakib with white in 32nd moves, Reefatdrew with Razib, Nasir beat GM Niaz Murshed of Leonine with white in 56moves, Girinath beat GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman with white in 40 moves, FMAbu Sufian Shakil beat FM Kh., Aminul Islam, G.N. Gopal of India beat FMMehdi Hasan Parag of Biman, Lalith Babu of India beat Minhazuddin AhmedSagar of Destiny, FM Syed Mahfuzur Rahman Emon of B.A.D.C beat FM TaiburRahman of Destiny, Monir Hossain of N.Gonj beat Md. Javed of Destiny, FMRezaul Haque of Biman drew with Mohammad Ali of Leonine and Abdul Maleq ofChittagong beat Sohel Chowdhury of N.Gonj.
6 players are now sharing lead in the points table with maximum 3 pointsafter end of the 4th round games of the 8th United Insurance and UnitedLeasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by United InsuranceCompany Limited and United Leasing Companying Limited organised byBangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at the Conference-room of theN.S.C. They are: IM Abdullah Al Rakib & GM Reefat Bin Sattar of Biman, IMEnamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadan, FM Nasir Ahmed, GM GhaemMaghami Ehsan and GM Nguyen Anh Dung of Vitenam. 4th and 5th round gameswere held yesterday (Wednesday). In the 4th round Reefat drew with Nguyen,Rakib drew with Razib, Nasir drew with Amin, Ghaem beat G.N. Gopal, GMZiaur Rahman drew with Lalith Babu of India, GM Niaz Murshed drew with FMTaibur Rahman of Destiny, IM P.D.S. Girinath of India beat FM Rezaul ofPakistan beat Mohammad Ali of Leonine, FM Mehdi Hasan Parag of Biman drewwith Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar of Destiny, FM Syed Mahfuzur Rahman EmonB.A.D.C. beat DEbaraj Chatterjee and Monir Hossain of N.Gonj beat histeammate Sohel Chowdhury. 5th round games were held yesterday evening. Inthe 5th round Reefat played against Ghaem, Razib played against Nguyen andRakib played against Nasir.
5 players are now sharing lead in the points table with maximum 2½ pointsafter end of the 3rd round games of the 8th United Insurance and UnitedLeasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by United InsuranceCompany Limited and United Leasing Companying Limited organised byBangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at the Conference-room of theN.S.C. They are: IM Abdullah Al Rakib & GM Reefat Bin Sattar of Biman, IMEnamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadan, FM Nasir Ahmed and GM NguyenAnh Dung of Vitenam. 3rd round games were held yesterday (Tuesday). In the3rd round Nasir beat GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman, Rakib drew with GM GhaemMaghami Ehsan of Iran, Razib beat IM Mahmood Lodhi of Pakistan, Reefat beatFM Abu Sufian Shakil of Destiny, Nguyen beat GM Niaz Murshed of Leonine.Ghaem, FM Kh. Aminul Islam and G.N. Gopal of India earned 2 points each after 3rd round. Amin drew with Gopal, FM Taibur Rahman of Destiny drewwith IM P.D.S. Girinath of India, Md. Javed of Destiny beat FM Mehdi HasanParag of Biman, Lalith Babu of India beat Chanchal Kumar Gosh, FM Rezaul Haque of Biman beat Sohel Chowdhury of N.gonj, Mohammad Ali of Leonine beat his teammate Abdul Maleq, Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar of Destiny drew with his teammate Debaraj Chatterjee and FM Syed Mahfuzur Rahman of B.A.D.C.beat Monir Hossain of N.Gonj.
IM Abdullah Al Rakib is now in solo lead in the points table with maximum 2points after end of the 2nd round games of the 8th United Insurance andUnited Leasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by UnitedInsurance Company Limited and United Leasing Companying Limited organisedby Bangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at the Conference-room ofthe N.S.C. 11 players are in 2nd position with earned 1½ points each. Theyare: GM Ziaur Rahman & GM Reefat Bin Sattar of Biman, GM Niaz Murshed ofLeonine, IM Enamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadan, FM Abu SufianShakil & FM Nasir Ahmed, FM Kh. Aminul Islam, GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan ofIran, GM Nguyen Anh Dung of Vitenam, IM Mahmood Lodhi of Pakistan and G.N.Gopal of India. 2nd round games were held yesterday (Monday). In the 2ndround Rakib beat IM P.D.S. Girinath, Zia drew with Gopal, Lodhi drew withNguyen, Reefat drew with Nasir, Ghaem beat Md. Javed, Razib beat FM RezaulHaque, Niaz beat Lalith Babu of India, FM Mehdi Hasan Parag beat FM SyedMahfuzur Rahman Emon, FM Taibur Rahman beat Monir Hossain, Sohel Chowdhurydrew with Chanchal Kumar Ghosh and Abdul Maleq drew with Debaraj Chatterjee.3rd round games will start today (Tuesday) from 3:30 PM at the same venue.
In the 1st round game FM Kh. Aminul Islam drewwith top rated player of the event GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan of Iran, JuniorChampion Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar of Destiny drew with GM Niaz Murshed ofLeonine. GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman beat his team mate FM Mehdi Hasan Parag,GM Reefat Bin Sattar beat Abdul Maleq of Chittagong, IM Abdullah Al Rakibbeat Sohel Chowdhury of N.Gonj, FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny beat his teammate Debaraj Chatterjee, GM Nguyen Anh Dung of Vitenam beat FM TaiburRahman of Destiny, Md. Javed of DEstiny drew with IM Enamul Hossain, IMP.D.S. Girinath of India beat Chanchal Kumar Ghosh, IM Mahmood Lodhi ofPakistan beat Monir Hossain of N.Gonj, FM Rezaul Haque of Biman drew withFM Abu Sufian Shakil of Destiny and Md. Ali of Leonine drew with LalithBabu of India.
sponsored by United Insurance Company Limited and UnitedLeasing Companying Limited organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation willstart from today (Sunday) at the Conference-room of the N.S.C. GMs, IMs,FMs and rated players from India, Iran, Pakistan and Vietnam are confirmtheir participation. The Press-briefing of the event was held yesterday(Saturday) at the Conference-room of the National Sports Council. Mr.Rafiqul Islam, President of Bangladesh Chess Federation, Mr. JamilurRahman, General Secretary of Bangladesh Chess Federation and Mr. Md.Rafiqul Islam, General Manager of United Insurance Company Limited gaveaddress in press-briefing. Grandmasters are: Ghaeem Maghami Ehsan of Iran,Ziaur Rahman, Nguyen Anh Dung of Vietnam, Reefat Bin Sattar, Niaz Murshed,IMs are: Abdullah Al Rakib (GM title applicant), IM Enamul Hossain, IMMahmood Lodhi of Pakistan, IM P.D. S. Girinath of India. FMs are: Sk. NasirAhmed, FM Kha,. Aminul Islam, FM Abu Suafian Shakil, FM Taibur Rahman, FMSyed Mahfuzur Rahman Emon, FM Mehdi Hasan Parag and FM Rezaul Haque. Theevent will be held in 10 round Swiss-League system and total 5,000.00(Five Thousand) US dollars will be given as prize money.
8th United Insurance and United Leasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by United Insurance Company Limited and United Leasing Companying Limited, organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation will start from 27th May at Dhaka. Bangladeshi rated players over 2200 can participate in the event. To the players rated over 2200 are requested to enroll their name on or before 25th May. GMs, IMs and rated players from India, Iran, Pakistan and Vietnam confirmed their participation.
In the 1st round game FM Kh. Aminul Islam drewwith top rated player of the event GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan of Iran, JuniorChampion Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar of Destiny drew with GM Niaz Murshed ofLeonine. GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman beat his team mate FM Mehdi Hasan Parag,GM Reefat Bin Sattar beat Abdul Maleq of Chittagong, IM Abdullah Al Rakibbeat Sohel Chowdhury of N.Gonj, FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny beat his teammate Debaraj Chatterjee, GM Nguyen Anh Dung of Vitenam beat FM TaiburRahman of Destiny, Md. Javed of DEstiny drew with IM Enamul Hossain, IMP.D.S. Girinath of India beat Chanchal Kumar Ghosh, IM Mahmood Lodhi ofPakistan beat Monir Hossain of N.Gonj, FM Rezaul Haque of Biman drew withFM Abu Sufian Shakil of Destiny and Md. Ali of Leonine drew with LalithBabu of India.
sponsored by United Insurance Company Limited and UnitedLeasing Companying Limited organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation willstart from today (Sunday) at the Conference-room of the N.S.C. GMs, IMs,FMs and rated players from India, Iran, Pakistan and Vietnam are confirmtheir participation. The Press-briefing of the event was held yesterday(Saturday) at the Conference-room of the National Sports Council. Mr.Rafiqul Islam, President of Bangladesh Chess Federation, Mr. JamilurRahman, General Secretary of Bangladesh Chess Federation and Mr. Md.Rafiqul Islam, General Manager of United Insurance Company Limited gaveaddress in press-briefing. Grandmasters are: Ghaeem Maghami Ehsan of Iran,Ziaur Rahman, Nguyen Anh Dung of Vietnam, Reefat Bin Sattar, Niaz Murshed,IMs are: Abdullah Al Rakib (GM title applicant), IM Enamul Hossain, IMMahmood Lodhi of Pakistan, IM P.D. S. Girinath of India. FMs are: Sk. NasirAhmed, FM Kha,. Aminul Islam, FM Abu Suafian Shakil, FM Taibur Rahman, FMSyed Mahfuzur Rahman Emon, FM Mehdi Hasan Parag and FM Rezaul Haque. Theevent will be held in 10 round Swiss-League system and total 5,000.00(Five Thousand) US dollars will be given as prize money.
8th United Insurance and United Leasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by United Insurance Company Limited and United Leasing Companying Limited, organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation will start from 27th May at Dhaka. Bangladeshi rated players over 2200 can participate in the event. To the players rated over 2200 are requested to enroll their name on or before 25th May. GMs, IMs and rated players from India, Iran, Pakistan and Vietnam confirmed their participation.
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