GM Ziaur Rahman in World Cup
Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov will nominate GM Ziaur Rahman to participate in the World Cup Chess 2007, which will be held in Khanty-Mansyisk in Russia in November-December 2007. Vice-President of FIDE Mr. Isreal Gelfer wants to know about the confirmation of Zia’s participation by e-mail to Bangladesh Chess Federation. Former President of Bangladesh Chess Federation Mr. Syed Shujauddin Ahmed requested to FIDE President to nominate one player in the next world Cup at FIDE Congress, which was held in Turin Italy in last year. Total 128 players will participate in the world Cup. 117 players will come from Continentals, Zonal’s Championship and rating list. 11 players will be nominated from FIDE President and Organizers.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Standard Chartered Bank School Chess Tournament-2007

Abdullah Al Saif of Quality School & Prantik Roy of Carmel School of Kolkata are jointly leading the point table with 7 points each after end of the 8th round games. Mosabbir Khan Shiblu of Motijheel Govt. School is in 2nd position with 6½ points. Shayan Majumder of Kolkata Indira Gandhi School and Mainuddin Ahmed Asif of Hazrat Shah Ali school are maintaining their joint lead with 7½ points each in the point table of group class KG to V after 8th round. Shoumik Saha of St. Gregory School, Kawsar Hossain Rony, Al-Amin of Aporajeyo Bangladesh and Emon Hossain are in 2nd position with 6 points each. 8th round games of two groups were held yesterday (Thursday). In the 8th round of Class VI to X Shiblu beat Sayantan Das of Kolkata Scottish Church School, Prantik beat Sharif Hossain of Nakhalpara School, Saif beat Akshat Agarwal and Rezaul Islam Babu of Rajbari beat Sub-Junior Champion Aniruddah Majumder of St. Joseph School.9th or last round games of two group of Boys will start today (Friday) from 3:30 PM at the same venues.
Shaati Majumder of Kolkata Indira Gandhi School became unbeaten champion in the Girls Group with 6½ points. Arna Sarkar of Kolkata became runner-up and Aeon Sarkar of Motijheel Girls School became 3rd with 5½ points each. Pritika Tayal became 4th and Sadekun Nahar became 5th with 5 points each.5 players are sharing lead in the point table with 6 points each after end of the 7th round games of Class VI to X Group .They are: Sayantan Das of Kolkata Scottish Church School, Sharif Hossain of Nakhalpara School, Abdullah Al Saif of Quality School, Prantik Roy of Carmel School of Kolkata and Akshat Agarwal of DelhiShayan Majumder of Kolkata Indira Gandhi School and Mainuddin Ahmed Asif of Hazrat Shah Ali school maintaing their lead with 6½ points each in the point table of group class KG to V after 7th round. Al-Amin of Aporajeyo Bangladesh is in 2nd position with 6 points. 7th round games of all three groups were held yesterday (Thursday). In the 7th round of Class VI to X Saif beat Sayantan, Babu beat Sharif, Prantik beat Nishat and Sadekun beat Tahmina. In the class Kg to V group. Asif beat Rony, Sayan beat Afjal and Amin beat Fahim. 8th round games of two group of Boys will start today (Thursday) from 3:30 PM at the same venues.
Sayantan Das of Kolkata Scottish Church School is now in solo lead in the point table with maximum 6 points after end of the 6th round games of Class VI to X Group. Rezaul Islam Babu of Rajbari, Sharif Hossain of Nakhalpara School, Abdullah Al Saif of Quality School, Prantik Roy of Carmel School of Kolkata, Akshat Agarwal of Delhi and Abhirup Das of Tripura are in 2nd position with 5 points each. Shaati Majumder of Kolkata Indira Gandhi School is maintaining her solo lead in the point table with 6 points in the girls group after 6th round games. Aeon Sarkar of Dhaka and Arna Sarkar of Kolkata are in 2nd position with 5 points each. Shayan Majumder of Kolkata Indira Gandhi School and Mainuddin Ahmed Asif of Hazrat Shah Ali school are sharing lead with 5½ points each in the point table of group class KG to V after 6th round. Afjal, Al-Amin of Aporajeyo Bangladesh and Kawsar Hossain Rony sharing 2nd position with 5 points each. 6th round games of all three groups were held yesterday (Tuesday). In the 6th round of Class VI to X Sayantan beat Sharif, Prantik beat Sayed, Babu beat Debotpal, Saif beat Siam, Akshat beat Masum and Abhirup beat Mashriq. In the girls group: Aeon beat Pritika Tayal of Delhi, Shaati beat Shiny and Arna beat Shahana. In the class Kg to V group. Asif beat Saiful, Sayan beat Fahim, Afjal beat Gopal, Amin beat Saddam and Rony got walk-over against Moshtafa. 7th round games of all three groups will start today (Wednesday) from 3:30 PM at the same venues.
Sharif Hossain of Nakhalpara School and Sayantan Das of Kolkata ScottishChurch School are sharing lead in the point table with full 5 points each after end of the 5th round games of Class VI to X Group . Saydul Islam Sayed of Aporajeyo Bangladesh is in 2nd position with 4½ points. Shaati Majumder of Kolkata Indira Gandhi School is now in solo lead in the point table with 5 points in the girls group after5th round games. Pritika Tayal of Delhi, Aeon Sarkar, Arna Sarkar ofKolkata and Shainy Das of Tripura are in 2nd position with 4 points each.Mohammad Fahim of Titas Gas School, Shayan Majumder of Kolkata IndiraGandhi School, Mainuddin Ahmed Asif of Hazrat Shah Ali school and SaifulIslam of Aporajeyo Bangladesh are sharing lead with maximum 4½ points each in the point table of group class KG to V after 5th round. 5th round games of all three groups were held yesterday (Monday). In the 5th round of ClassVI to X Sharif beat Abdullah Al Saif, Sayantan beat Prantik Roy, Sayedbeat Sub-Junior Champion Aniruddah Majumder, Mosabbir Khan Shiblu drew withAsim Das of Tripura, Rezaul Islam Babu beat Hemal Das. In the girls group:Shaati beat Pritika, Arna beat Reshman, Aeon beat Tahmina and Shiny beatNishat. In the class Kg to V group. Asif drew with Sayan, Fahim beat Soumikand Saiful beat Nayem. 6th round games of all three groups will start today(Tuesday) from 3:30 PM at the same venues.
4 players are sharing lead in the point table with full 4 points each after end of the 4th round games of Class VI to X Group of the 9th Standard Chartered School Chess Tournament-2007. They are: Sharif Hossain of Nakhalpara school, Abdullah Al Saif of Quality Education school, Prantik Roy and Sayantan Das of Kolkata. 3 players are in 2nds position with 3 points each. They are: Aniruddah Majumder of St. Joseph, Saydul Islam Sayed of Aporajeyo Bangladesh and Asim Roy of Tripura. Shaati Majumder of Kolkata and Pritika Tayal of Delhi are sharing lead in the point table with 4 points each in the girls group after 4th round games. Aeon, Reshma, Arna, Shainy, Nishat and Tahmina are in 2nd position with 3 points each. Shayan Majumder of Kolkata and Mainuddin Ahmed Asif of Hazrat Shah Ali school are sharing lead with maximum 4 points each in the point table of group class KG to V after 4th round. Mohammad Fahim of Titas school and Saiful Islam of Aporajeyo Bangladesh are in 2nd position with 3 points each. 4th round games of all three groups were held yesterday (Sunday). In the 4th round of Class VI to X Saif beat Rezaul Islam Babu of Rajbari, Sharif beat Mosabbir Khan Shiblu of Motijheel school, Sayantan beat Abhirup Kar of Kolkata, Prantik beat Akshat Agarwal of Delhi, Aniruddah drew with Asim and Sayed drew with Shubham of Tripura. In the girls group: Shaati beat Reshman, Pritika beat Arna, Aeon beat Mushtora, Nishat beat Ahely, Shainy beat Shakhera and Tahmina beat Gulfesa. In the class Kg to V group. Sayan beat Nayem, Asif beat Saddam, Tipu beat Jibon, Rafi beat Mostafa and Fahim drew with Saiful. 5th round games of all three groups will start today (Monday) from 3:30 PM at the same venues.
11 players are sharing lead in the point table with full 3 points each after end of the 3rd round games of Class VI to X Group They are: Rezaul Islam Babu of Rajbari, Sharif Hossain of Nakhalpara, Aniruddah Majumder of St. Joseph, Abdullah Al Saif of Baddah Adarsha, Saydul Islam Sayed of Aporajeyo Bangladesh, Mosabbir Khan Shiblu of Motijhel Govt., Prantik Roy, Sayantan Das & Abhirup Kar of Kolkata, Akshat Agarwal of Delhi & Asim Roy of Tripura. 4 players are sharing lead in the point table with 3 points each in the girls group. They are: Reshma Jebun of Aruail School of B.Baria, Shaati Majumder and Arna Sarkar of Kolkata and Pritika Tayal of Delhi. 6 players sharing lead with maximum 3 points each in the point table of group class KG to V. They are: Mohammad Fahim, Shayan Majumder, Mainuddin Ahmed Asif, Saiful Islam, Saddam Hossain and Md. Nayem. In the 3rd round of Class VI to X Babu beat Shubham of Tripura, Prantik beat Siam, Sharif beat Depotpal of Tripura, Sayantan beat Abir, Asim beat Jumrat, Saif beat Alvi, Akshat beat Wahid, Shiblu beat Salman, Aniruddah beat Bappy, Abhirup beat Hemal and Sayed beat Arif, Sayantan beat Masrur, Asim beat Mehdi, Saif beat Junayed, Shiblu beat Hossain, Abhirup beat Monir, Aniruddah beat Feroz, Sayed beat Faruk, Shubam beat Islam, Siam beat Rakib, Debot beat Masum, Abir beat Riaz, Jumrat beat Mashriq, Rafi beat Zaman, Alvi beat Nazmul, Arif beat Tahir, Hemel beat Mizan & Bappy beat Polash. In the girls group: Shaati beat Aeon Sarkar, Pritika beat Tahmina Akter, Reshma beat Nipa Mahmood and Arna beat Nishat Jebin. In the class Kg to V group. Fahim beat Emon Hossain, Sayan beat Priyo Pranto, Asif beat Bappi, Saiful beat Nazrul, Nayem beat Refatul Islam and Saddam beat Ezaz Hossain. 4th round games of all three groups will start today (Sunday) from 3:30 PM at the same venues.
23 players are sharing lead in the point table with full 2 points each after end of the 2nd round games of Class VI to X Group in Standard Chartered Bank School Chess Tournament. They are: Babu, Prantik, Sharif, Sayantan, Asim, Saif, Akshat, Shiblu, Aniruddah, Abhirup, Sayed, Shubam, Siam, Debot, Abir, Jumrat, Rafi, Alvi, Wahid, Arif, Salman, Hemel & Mahbub. 7 players are sharing lead in the point table with full 2 points each in the girls group. They are: Shaati, Pritika, Arna, Aeon, Reshma, Tahmina & Nishat. 13 players are sharing lead in the point table of group class KG to V. They are: Fahim, Shayan, Asif, Rafat, Saiful, Nayem, Saddam, Ezaz, Emon, Ahmed, Priyo, Bappi and Nazrul. In the group VI to X Babu beat Shifu, Sharif beat Shakib, Sayantan beat Masrur, Asim beat Mehdi, Saif beat Junayed, Shiblu beat Hossain, Abhirup beat Monir, Aniruddah beat Feroz, Sayed beat Faruk, Shubam beat Islam, Siam beat Rakib, Debot beat Masum, Abir beat Riaz, Jumrat beat Mashriq, Rafi beat Zaman, Alvi beat Nazmul, Arif beat Tahir, Hemel beat Mizan & Bappy beat Polash. In the girls group: Shaati beat Samaha, Pritika beat Nipa, Arna beat Mostora, Aeon beat Shakhera, Rashma beat Aheli, Tahmina beat Shiny and Nishat beat Habiba. In the group Kg to V, Fahim beat Robin, Shayan beat Amin, Asif beat Afjal, Rafat beat Rifat, Saif beat Hanif, Nayem beat Aziz, Saddam beat Rafi, Ezaz beat Gourab, Emon beat Tanvir, Ahmed beat Adnan, Priyo beat Mahmood, Bappi beat Reza and Nazrul beat Mollah. 3rd round games of all three groups will start today (Saturday) from 3:30 PM at the same venues.
The game of the 9th Standard Chartered School Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by Standard Chartered Bank, Bangladesh, organized by Bangladesh Chess Federation began yesterday (Thursday) at the conference-room of National Sports Council and Bangladesh Chess Federation hall-room. Mr. Shah Masud Imam, Head of the Corporate Affairs of the Standard Chartered Bank and Grandmaster Ziaur Rahman inaugurated the event. 230 school boys and girls from 62 Schools from Bangladesh and India are participating in the event. Renowned players are Rated Rezaul Islam Babu from Rajbhai, Sub-Junior Champion Aniruddah Majumder, Abdullah Al Saif, Md. Sharif Hossain, Youngest rated player Mohammad Fahim, Moshabbir Khan Shiblu. Akshat Agarwal and Pritika Tayal from Delhi, Prantik Roy, Abhirup Kar, Sayantan Das, Shaati Majumder, Arna Sarkar and Sayan Majumder from Kolkata, Asim Roy, Shubom Das, Dibotpal Dey and Shiny Sarakr from Tripura. In the 1st round games 13 girls earned full point, 28 players earned full point in the group KG to V and 54 players earned full point in the group VI to X . Girls group will held in 7 round and both groups of the boys will held in 9 Swiss-League system. Cash prize and trophy will be given to the winners. 2nd round games will start today (Friday).
The game of the 9th Standard Chartered School Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by Standard Chartered Bank, Bangladesh, organized by Bangladesh Chess Federation will start today (Thursday) from 3:00 PM at the Chess Federation hall-room. More than 200 players from Bangladesh and India are participating in the event. The tournament will be held in 9 round Swiss-League system in 3 groups and cash prize and trophy will be given to the winners. All participants are requested to be present in the playing venue on or before 2:30 PM.
9th Standard Chartered School Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by Standard Chartered Bank, Bangladesh, organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation will start from 12th July 2007 Thursday from 3:00 PM at the Chess Federation hall-room. It is an open chess tournament for all school students and entry fee is not required. Interested boys and girls can enroll their name on or before 10th July 2007 Tuesday at Bangladesh Chess Federation office (2nd floor, National Sports Council, 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000). The tournament will be held in 9 round Swiss-League system and cash prize and trophy will be given to the winners. Students from India will also participate in the event.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Destiny International Rating Chess Tournament
IM Enamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadan became unbeaten championin the Premier Group of the Destiny International Rating ChessTournament-2007, sponsored by Destiny 2000 Limited and organised byBangladesh Chess Federation which was held at Bangladesh ChessFederation hall-room. Razib earned 7 points after end of the 9thor last round games to clinch the title. IM Abdullah Al Rakib of Bimanbecame 2nd and GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman became 3rd with 6½ points each. Sk.Nasir Ahmed of Destiny became 4th and FM Abu Sufian Shakil became 5th with6 points each. Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar of Destiny became 6th position.Other positions of Premier Group are: 7th-IWM Rani Hamid, points-5, 8th-FMKh. Aminul Islam, points-5. 5 players earned 4½ points each and theirpositions are: 9th-Debaraj Chatterjee, 10th-FM Mehdi Hasan Parag,11th-Mahtabuddin Ahmed, 12th-Arman Monir and 13th-Md. Javed. 14th-AbdulMaleq, points-4, 15th-Sohel Chowdhury, points-4, 16th-Enayet Hossain,points-3½ and 17th-Delwar Hossain, points-3½ 9th or last round games ofpremier group were held yesterday (Monday). In the last round Razibbeat Debarj, Nasir lost against Shakil, Rakib beat Amin, Zia beat Maleq,Sagar drew with Parag, Rani beat Ali, Arman beat Monir and Enayet beatDelwar. Kazi Taherul Islam became unbeaten champion in the Primary Group.Taher earned 8 points to clinch the title of Primary Group. AnichuzzamanJewel became 2nd with 7½ points. 6 players earned 7 points each. Theirpositions are: 3rd-Md. Hasan Emam, 4th-Aminul Islam Polash, 5th-AmirHossain, 6th-Nazrana Khan Eva, 7th-Abdul Majed and 8th-Golam MoshtafaBhuiyan. 8 players earned 6½ points each and their positions are:9th-Obaidul Islam Shahin, 10th-Dewan Md. Riad, 11th-Mahmudul Hasan Jewel,12th-Nasir Uddin Mahmood, 13th-Sk. Rashedul Hasan, 14th-Gyesudin Mithu,15th-Farhadur Rahman Shabab and 16th-Mohammad Asaduzzaman. In the lastround games of Primary Group: Taher beat Amir, Anich beat Hasan, Mostafabeat Shahin, Eva beat Jamal Ahmed, Majed beat Abdul Momin, Asad beatShamima Akter Liza, Polash beat Sabya Shachi, Rashed beat Shameem, Shababbeat Naser, Mithu beat Saif and Mahmud beat Masum. The Prize Distributionceremony of the event will start today(Tuesday) from 5:30 PM at theConference-room of National Sports Council. Additional Secretary of theMinistry of the Youth and Sports Ministry Dr. Golam Moshtafa Talukder willdistribute prizes among the winners to present as chief guest.
IM Enamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadan and FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed ofDestiny are now jointly lead in the points table with 6 points each afterend of the 8th round games. in the Premier Group of the DestinyInternational Rating Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by Destiny 2000Limited and organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation is now being held atBangladesh Chess Federation hall-room. GM Ziaur Rahman and IM Abdullah AlRakib of Biman are jointly in 2nd position with 5½ points each. FM AbuSufian Shakil of Destiny and FM Kh. Aminul Islam are in 3rd position with 5points each. 8th round games were held yesterday (Sunday). In the 8th roundRazib drew with Shakil, Nasir drew with his teammate National JuniorChampion Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar, Zia beat Debaraj Chatterjee of Destiny,National champion Rakib beat Women champion IWM Rani Hamid, Amin beat AbdulMaleq of Leonine, Mahtabuddin Ahmed Robin beat FM Mehdi Hasan Parag, Md.Javed beat Sohel Chowdhury, Uten drew with Arman Monir, Md. Ali beat EnayetHossain and Monir Hossain beat Delwar Hossain. Md. Hasan Emam, Kazi TaherulIslam and Amir Hossain are sharing lead in the points table with 7 pointseach after end of the 8th round games in the Primary Group. Obaidul IslamShahin and Anichuzzaman Jewel are in 2nd position with 6½ each. NazranaKhan Eva, Aminul Islam Polash, Golam Moshtafa Bhuiyan, Dewan Md. Riad,Abdul Momin, Jamal Ahmed, Sabya Sachi, Abdul Majed and Nasiruddin Mahmoodare sharing 3rd position with 6 points each. 8th round games of PrimaryGroup: Hasan drew with Taher, Amir beat Eva, Shahin drew with Anich,Polash drew with Riad, Moshtafa beat Jewel, Momin beat Babu, Jamal beatKawsar, Majed beat Zaker, Sabya Shachi beat Masudur and Mahmood beat Rauf.9th round or last round games will start today (Monday) from 3:30 PM at thesame venue.
GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman lost his 7th round against FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed ofDestiny in the Premier Group of the Destiny International Rating ChessTournament-2007, sponsored by Destiny 2000 Limited and organised byBangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at Bangladesh ChessFederation hall-room. 7th round games were held yesterday (Saturday). Nasirplayed with white pieces and won at 40th moves. Sk. Nasir and IM EnamulHossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadan is now jointly lead in the pointstable with 5½ points each after end of the 7th round games. Zia, IMAbdullah Al Rakid of Biman, FM Abu Sufian Shakil, Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagarand Debaraj Chatterjeee of Destiny are in 2nd position with 4½ points each.Md. Hasan Emam & Kazi Taherul Islam are jointly lead in the points tablewith 6½ points each after end of the 7th round games in the Primary Group.Nazrana Khan Eva, Obaidul Islam Shahin, Amir Hossain and Anichuzzaman Jewelare in 2nd position with 6 points each. 7th round games of the PremierGroup: Razib beat FM Kh. Aminul Islam, Rakib drew with Debarj, Sagar beatAbdul Maleq, Shakil beat Mahtabuddin Ahmed Robin, IWM Rani Hamid beat ArmanMonir, FM Mehdi Hasan Parag beat Enayet Hossain, Sohel Chowdhury beat MonirHossain, Md. Javed drew with Md. Ali and Delwar Hossain beat Uten. In the7th round games of Primary Group: Hasan beat Aminul Islam Polash, Taherbeat Jamal Ahmed, Shahin beat Abdul Majed, Jewel beat Masudur RahmanMallik, Eva beat Nahid Parvej and Amir beat Abdul Momin.
GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman, IM Enamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadanand FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny are sharing lead in the points table with4½ points each after end of the 6th round games in the Premier Group ofthe Destiny International Rating Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored byDestiny 2000 Limited and organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation is nowbeing held at Bangladesh Chess Federation hall-room. IM Abdullah Al Rakidof Biman, FM Kh. Aminul Islam, Abdul Maleq of Leonine and DebarajChatterjeee are in 2nd position with 4 points each. Md. Hasan Emam, KaziTaherul Islam and Aminul Islam Polash are sharing lead in the points tablewith 5½ points each after end of the 6th round in the Primary Group. JamalAhmed, Nazrana Khan Eva, Abdul Majed, Masudur Rahman Mallik, Obaidul IslamShahin, Amir Hossain, Nahid Parvej, Abdul Momin, and Anichuzzaman Jewel arein 2nd position with 5 points each. 6th round games of the both groups wereheld yesterday (Friday). In the Premier Group: Zia drew with Razib, Nasirdrew with Rakib, Amin beat Arman Monir, Shakil drew with Minhazuddin AhmedSagar, Maleq beat Mahtabuddin Ahmed Robin, Debaraj Chatterjee beat Md.Javed, FM Mehdi Hasna beat Sohel Chowdhury, IWM Rani Hamid beat MonirHossain, Md. Ali beat Delwar Hossain and Enayet Hossain got walk-overagainst Uten. In the 6th round games of Primary Group: Hasan beat Naser,Taher drerw with Polash, Eva drew with Kazal, Jamal beat Chapal, Majed beatRauf, Masud beat Shirin, Shahin beat Liza, Amir beat Mahmood, Nahid beatShameem, Momin beat Rob and Jewel beat Zaker.
GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman, IM Enamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadanand FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed of Destiny are sharing lead in the points table with4 points each after end of the 5th round games in the Premier Group of theDestiny International Rating Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by Destiny2000 Limited and organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation is now being heldat Bangladesh Chess Federation hall-room. IM Abdullah Al Rakib of Biman isin 2nd postion with 3½ points. FM Abu Sufian Shakil, FM Kh. Aminul Islam,Abdul Maleq, Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar, Debaraj Chatterjee, Mahtabuddin AhmedRobin and Arman Monir are in 3rd position with 3 points each. Kazi TaherulIslam and Aminul Islam Polash are jointly lead in the points table withmaximum 5 points each after end of the 5th round in the Primary Group.S.A.M. Nasre, Hasan Emam and Nazrana Khan Eva are in 2nd position with 4½points each. 5th round games of the both groups were held yesterday(Thursday). In the Premier Group: Zia beat Shakil, Razib drew with Nasir,Rakib drew with Sagar, Debaraj drew with Rpbin, Amin beat IWM Rani Hamid,Maleq beat FM Mahdi Hasan Pagar, Arman beat Enayet Hossain, Md. Javed beatDelwar Hossain, Sohel Chowdhury beat Md. Ali and Monir Hossain beatUten. In the Primary Group: Taher beat Shamima Akter Liza, Polash beatJamal Ahmed, Nasre beat Hafizul Islam Chapal, Hasan beat Gyesuddin Mithuand Eva beat Dewan Md. Riad.
IM Enamul Hossain Razib of Chittagong Mohammadan and FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed ofDestiny are jointly lead in the points table with 3½ points each after endof the 4th round games in the Premier Group of the Destiny InternationalRating Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by Destiny 2000 Limited andorganised by Bangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at BangladeshChess Federation hall-room. GM Ziaur Rahman & IM Abdullah Al Rakib ofBiman, and FM Abu Sufian Shakil of Destiny are in 2nd position with 3points each. 5 players are sharing lead in the points table with maximum 4points each after end of the 4th round in the Primary Group. They are:Jamal Ahmed, Kazi Taherul Islam, Aminul Islam Polash, Shamima Akter Lizaand Hafizul Islam Chapal. 4th round games of the both groups were heldyesterday (Wednesday). In the Premier Group: Zia drew with Rakib, Razibbeat Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar, Nasir beat Arman Monir, Shakil beat FM MehdiHasan Parag, Debaraj Chattrejee beat Mohammad Enayet Hossain, MahtabuddinAhmed Robin beat Delwar Hossain, FM Kh. Aminul Islam beat Md. Javed, IWMRani Hamid beat Sohel Chowdhury, Abdul Maleq beat Monir Hossain and Md. Alidrew with Uten. In the Primary Group: Liza beat Masudur Rahman Bari, Jamalbeat Syed Abdul Zaker, Taher beat Sharif Hossain, Polash beat Sujan andChapal beat Masudur Rahman Mallik.
5 players are sharing lead in the points table with 2½ points each afterend of the 3rd round games in the Premier Group of the DestinyInternational Rating Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by Destiny 2000Limited and organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation is now being held atBangladesh Chess Federation hall-room. They are: GM Ziaur Rahman & IMAbdullah Al Rakib of Biman, IM Enamul Hossain Razib of ChittagongMohammadan, FM Sk. Nasir Ahmed and Minhazuddin Ahmed Sagar of Destiny. 12players are sharing lead in the points table with maximum 3 points eachafter end of the 3rd round in the Primary Group. They are: Masudur RahmanBari, Jamal Ahmed, Hasan Emam, Kazi Taherul Islam, Aminul Islam Polash,Masudur Rahman Dipu, Shamima Akter Liza, Dewan Md. Riad, Sujan, SharifHossain, Hafizul Islam Chapal and Syed Abdul Zaker. 3rd round games of theboth groups were held yesterday (Tuesday). In the Premier Group: Rakib drewwith Razib, Zai beat DElwar Hossain, Nasir beat Debaraj Chatterjee, Sagarbeat Enayet Hossain, FM Abu Sufian Shakil beat Monir Hossain, FM MehdiHasan Parag beat IWM Rani Hamid, Md. Javed beat Abdul Maleq and MahtabuddinRobin beat Uten. FM Kh. Aminul Islam drew with Md. Ali. In the PrimaryGroup: Sujan beat Feroz, Sharif beat Moshtafa, Bari beat Shahin, Hasanbeat Amir, Jamal beat Rauf, Polash beat Noman, Taher beat Nahid, Chapalbeat Majed, Masud beat Rob, Liza beat Alam, Riad beat Matin and Zaker beatSarwar.
IM Enamul Hossain Razib and IM Abdullah al Rakib are jointly lead in thepoints table with maximum 2 points each after end of the 2nd round games inthe Premier Group of the Destiny International Rating ChessTournament-2007, sponsored by Destiny 2000 Limited and organised byBangladesh Chess Federation is now being held at Bangladesh ChessFederation hall-room. GM Ziaur Rahman of Biman, FM Sk. Nasir Hossain,Minhazuddin Ahmed, Sagar, Debaraj Chatterjee of Destiny, Enayet Hossain andDelwar Hossain are sharing 2nd position with 1½ point each. 30 players aresharing lead in the points table with maximum 2 points each after end ofthe 2nd round in the Primary Group. 2nd round games of the both groups wereheld yesterday (Monday). In the Premier Group: Rakib beat FM Mehdi HasanParag, Razib beat Abdul Maleq, Nsir drew with Delwar Hossain, Enayet drewwith FM Abu Sufial Shakil, Zia beat Uten, Debaraj beat FM Kh. Aminul Islam,Sagar beat Md. Javed. In the Primary Group: Feroz beat Kashem, Mostafa beatSalim, Bari beat Dulal, Karol beat Babu, Hasan beat Saif, Jewel beat Monir,Taher beat Shahin, Majed beat Shimmi, Polash beat Nazre and Dipu beatMizan.
Destiny International Rating Chess Tournament-2007, sponsored by Destiny2000 Limited and organised by Bangladesh Chess Federation will start fromtoday (Sunday) at 3:00 PM at Bangladesh Chess Federation hall-room. Theevent will be held in two groups, Premier group and Primary group. Who haverating 2150+ will participate in Premier group and other players willparticipate in Primary group. Sixty thousand taka will be give to thewinners of Premier group and forty thousand taka will give to Primarygroup. More then 100 players are participating in the event.
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